Prayer 03/20/17


We praise You for Your grace and mercy.

We praise You for the light of Jesus that shines brightly through ours works.

We praise You for all that You do in this world unbeknownst to us.

You are first in our lives, now and always.

We confess our sins to You and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness when dealing with us.

We give thanks for another day to worship Your son, our Saviour.

We thank You for Your Word which helps us to know You better.

We thank You for Your patience with our never-ending faults and Your grace in dealing with them.

We pray unto You for Your Glory to be seen throughout the world.

We pray for Salvation of those close to us and those that are not.

We pray for the strength and courage to proclaim Your son’s name, Jesus, to all who would hear.

We pray for comfort in difficult times and the strength to perservere.

If it is in Your will, Lord, we pray for blessings so that we may bless others.
